You are currently viewing 9 KEY PARTS OF A URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

9 KEY PARTS OF A URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Before looking into its parts, we have to know the answer to “What is URL?”

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), sometimes known as a Universal Resource Locator, is the Internet address and the protocol used to access it. Like our houses have an address, URL specifies the location.  web address is another name for URL.

The following information is contained in a URL: 

  1. Scheme 
  2. IP address
  3. The server’s port number
  4. Domain name 
  5. Subdomain
  6. File path 
  7. Parameter 
  8. Anchor
  9. An identification for fragments (optional).

1). The scheme

In a URL, the protocol (also known as transfer protocol or scheme) governs how data is sent between the host and the web browser. Before each subdomain in a URL, you’ll notice the communication protocol (also known as scheme).

 The scheme which identifies the protocol that the browser must use to request the resource is the first component of the URL (a protocol is a set method for exchanging or transferring data around a computer network). 

HTTPS or HTTP is the most common protocol for webpages (its unsecured version). Addressing websites necessitates one of these two, although browsers are also capable of handling different systems. 

2). An IP address

An IP address is a network identification that allows you to access a computer or other connected devices. A URL address will enable you to access a specific resource on a web server. It is just like a domain name. 

3). Port numbers

Port numbers can occasionally be seen in web or other universal resource locators (URLs). URL omits it sometimes. HTTP uses port 80 by default, while HTTPS uses port 443, 

4). A domain name

 A domain name is a string of characters that identifies an area of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the Internet. Domain names are used in a variety of networking scenarios as well as for application-specific naming and addressing. 

5). Subdomain

Subdomains are the sections of a domain that appear before the prominent domain name and domain extension. They can assist you in organizing your website. For instance, Docs is the subdomain in this URL.

6). A URI fragment

A URI fragment is a string of letters in computer hypertext that refers from a secondary resource to another principal resource. The parent resource is recognized by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and the fragment identifier links to the subordinate resource.

7). The anchor 

 Like a bookmark, usually the anchor is preceded by hashtag that directs your browser to a specific area, particularly with the website. The anchor, which appears after the route, instructs your browser to navigate or load a particular section of the page. Distinct anchors do not load certain pages; instead, they require the browser to show different areas of the page.

 8).The fragment identifier 

 The fragment identifier introduced by a hash mark # is the optional last portion of a URL for a document. It is often used to designate a section of a copy. RFC 3986 defines the generic syntax. The hash-mark separator in URIs is not part of the fragment identifier. 

9). Parameter

URL parameters, sometimes known as “query strings”, are structuring additional information for a given URL. After the ‘?’ sign, parameters are appended to the end of a URL, and other parameters can be inserted when separated by the ‘&’ character. Query parameters are most commonly used to specify and order material on a web page, but they are also often used for traffic tracking. 


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